Bride Seats provide the best racing seats for an exquisite driving experience. The seats are designed and manufactured so as to provide the best possible comfort and luxury. Bride seats are committed to a vision of combining comfort ability and safety into a sport seat designed for circuit racing. The technology used to manufacture the seats guarantees pure performance and style packed into one super seat. BRIDE bucket seats are among the top in the Japanese racing circuit. The highest in quality FRP construction makes these extremely lightweight and durable. The Bride seats are designed to fit vehicles with a very tight cockpit. The shoulder supports are 2 15 inches (80mm) shorter than the ZETA III.
Bride seats provide a myriad of reasons to go ahead of its peers. The Key Features of Bride Seats mainly includes the Sparkling silver metallic fiberglass finish and the New buckskin material and fabric dye. The Bride Gardis III Seat has High Support foam which provides equal weight distribution throughout the racing seat padding; at high speeds Paul Molitor Jersey , the drivers load is reduced. The Super Head Guard protects the drivers head on side impact. The Super Shell - FIA homologation results in a very light and very sturdy seat shell. Low Hip System - the newly designed angles makes it possible to obtain a lower seat position. The Bride seats are specifically designed for JGTC races.
The Bride Gias Seat is the new monster species full bucket seat. This new species is armed with a reclining mechanism and the Low Max system. The BRIDE GIAS tough frame was engineered using a super monocoque shell made from carbon-Kevlar and uses an all aluminum frame to increase rigidity for weight reduction. The ultimate super low position BRIDE Low Max system is combined for the first time with a reclining mechanism. The enhanced design is based on the idea that a high performance street car can also be used for the track, thus improving the versatility of the seat.
In the pursuit of the perfect racing seat position, Bride has developed the ultimate seat position system called the LOW MAX SYSTEM. Some vehicles have an offset steering wheel to seat position especially when there are clearance restrictions in the conventional system or restrictions caused by specific seat and seat rail designs. The Low Max System achieves the lowest possible setting a seat and seat rail combination can currently offer and have the steering wheel centered to the driver.
To conclude George Bell Jersey , use of high quality sets has provided excellent comfort, style and performance. They are an absolute necessity on the race track.
How Well Do You Know Your Perfect Customer? Marketing Articles | October 15, 2002
Your Perfect Customer is real only in your mind. He or sheis the one individual most representative of your target. Theone to whom you always speak one-on-one in your newsletter andon your site.
To bring this person to the forefront of your mind incrystal clarity Randal Grichuk Jersey , here are examples of the kinds of questions youneed to answer. And your answers need to be reevaluated now andthen, as your understanding of your customers grows.
Male Or Female
Your Perfect Customer is male or female, but not both.
Consider an oil additive. It doesn't take long to decideyour Perfect Customer is male. Consider face creams. Female.
Name it Joe Carter Jersey , then put a sex to it. Even if your target isroughly split between male and female, you need to add a sex toyour Perfect Customer.
Why? Because regardless of your sex, you can talk moreeffectively to men or to women than you can to both. It's amatter of voice Roberto Alomar Jersey , which includes tone and words selected.
A person selling a car to a married couple talks to both atthe same time. But the key dialog is directed at the decisionmaker, male or female. That directed to the spouse is quitedifferent, and is intended to specifically address his or herconcerns.
In the end, there is no loss in making this decision. Ifyou decide to address males, females will listen withoutreservation provided they are also interested in what yourproduct can do for them. And conversely.
All you need to do is avoid sexist related dialog. "Menjust don't get it Custom Toronto Blue Jays Jerseys ," will cost you the male vote. "Women justdon't understand these things," will cost you the female vote.Avoid such blunders at all times. They put your business atrisk.
In deciding between using "he" or "she" when speaking toboth genders, use "she" exclusively if your target is intopolitical correctness. Use "he" with those over say 55. You'llhave to do some figuring for a target in the middle somewhere.
Your decision will probably be the gender most likely to buyyour product. But do make a decision. The "she" bit annoysall.
Turning To Age
You need to assign an age to your Perfect Customer. Again Authentic Toronto Blue Jays Jerseys ,so long as the dialog is authentic, people older or younger willfollow along without difficulty. Confusion arises only when wetry to speak across too great a range. In doing so, we loseauthenticity. And all fails.
The Demographics
Is your Perfect Customer single? If so Toronto Blue Jays Jerseys For Sale , is marriage likely?In either case, are there children? Or have the children leftto build their own lives?
What career is being pursued? Is it a work-at-home bit?Caring for a home and raising kids? (While certainly the latteris a career, I'd refrain from using "housewife;" many womendon't like this label much.)
What is the household income? Is the dwelling owned orrented? What part of income is committed to the dwelling?How much discretionary income is available?
What level of formal education has been achieved? Is therea continuing effort to achieve more?